Over the course of the next year, we’ll be convening a number of working groups to provide leadership for the campaign, and sending teams to community events to help spread the word. Check out our list below, and fill out the form below to sign up today!
Are you a member of the clergy, lay leadership for a faith community, or staff at a faith-based nonprofit? We need you! At its core, Clean Slate is about forgiveness, redemption, and second chances. Faith leaders will be critical in educating their congregations about this initiative and leading a public call for action on this issue.
Faith-Based Leaders
Labor shortages have reached a critical level across Missouri and the U.S. There are millions of Americans who are ready to come off of the bench and get to work– when they are no longer constrained by a criminal record. While many “second chance employers” are providing leadership by making a concerted effort to hire those with records, we need business leaders who agree that people deserve a true Clean Slate after serving their time. Join us and our partners at the Responsible Business Initiative for Justice in helping boost Missouri’s economy with Clean Slate legislation.
Unions know the power of workers standing shoulder to shoulder to fight for their rights. So shouldn’t unions want to support their members with records to have a chance at a new beginning? Join us to stand up for your fellow workers who have made mistakes in the past– and look to welcome members who might have a new chance to join your team with the passage of Clean Slate.
Labor Leaders
Local Elected Officials
Are you a city or county official in Missouri? Has your community been affected by drug-related incarceration, extensive policing, and/or residents who are struggling to provide for their families because of an old record? Add your voices to the Clean Slate campaign! Use your position to inform your constituents about the issue of automated expungement and show your support for the campaign!
Non Profit Organizations
If you provide any service to families earning low incomes in Missouri, you almost certainly work with families impacted by criminal records! Join our fight to insure that a conviction record isn’t a life sentence to poverty for the families you serve. You can help spread the word about Clean Slate to your stakeholders, clients, and partners, and you can refer impacted individuals to provide leadership to the campaign.
Impacted Individuals
Have you been personally impacted by a criminal record? We want to hear from you! The best way for us to create and pass comprehensive legislation that addresses the issues caused by records is to hear from those who have lived through the consequences. Share your story, give us your opinions, and take on key leadership roles in the campaign!
Community Volunteers
In order to educate as many Missourians as possible, we will be sending teams of volunteers to community events to share information. Let us know if there is an event we should be at, or sign up below to get involved as a volunteer.