A record should not be a life sentence to poverty.
Everyone should have an opportunity to work, have a safe home, take care of their families, and contribute to their community.
Today, over 1.9 million Missourians from all walks of life face barriers to jobs, education, housing and other basic necessities because they have an arrest or conviction on their record. These challenges impact every part of a person's life. When our loved ones, friends, neighbors and community members are barred from fully participating in society and our economy, we all lose out.
What are we doing?
Tens of thousands of Missourians are eligible for expungement. The process is expensive and burdensome, and only about 1% are actually successful in obtaining that expungement. Clean Slate legislation aims to close that gap.
How can you help?
Get Involved
We need activists and organizations from all across the state to help out with this campaign. Sign up today to help make a difference.
Want to support the campaign, but too busy to join a working group? Make a donation to help spread the word about Clean Slate.
Show Your Support
We need as many Missourians as possible to urge the Missouri state Legislature to pass Clean Slate legislation.